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Perfecting Faith Church with Pastor Donnie McClurkin

Jun 22, 2020

When we pay too much attention to what we’re hearing and seeing on a repetitive basis, we lose our focus on who God is. In this sermon, Pastor Donnie McClurkin assures us that despite every situation we go through, there is no power beyond our God.

Jun 18, 2020

As Christians, we need to evaluate ourselves, for how we live today determines where we will spend our eternity. In this sermon, Pastor Donnie McClurkin goes deep into a matter that may be uncomfortable for many Christians to discuss–sin. 

Jun 9, 2020

For so long, we have made salvation seem like a tedious walk with all the troubles, trials and tribulations. But the truth is, salvation is divinely beautiful! Watch this latest video from Pastor Donnie McClurkin and share your thoughts about it.

Jun 1, 2020

In Acts 2, we read about the coming of the Holy Spirit 50 days after Jesus’ resurrection. Let this be a reminder to us that the Holy Spirit is not merely God’s helper. The Holy Spirit is God and we need Him in order to succeed in Christian living. Watch this latest video from Pastor Donnie McClurkin and share your...